PapersThis sentence links to the latest list of References from Lyot Project work. B. R. Oppenheimer, A. Sivaramakrishnan and R. B. Makidon, "Imaging Exoplanets: The Role of Small Telescopes," in The Future of Small Telescopes, Terry Oswalt, ed. (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers), 2002, Vol. III, p. 295. Perrin, Marshall D.; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Makidon, Russell B.; Oppenheimer, Ben R.; Graham, James R., "The Structure of High Strehl Ratio Point-Spread Functions," The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 596, pp. 702-712, 2003 Sivaramakrishnan, A.,Lloyd, J.P.,Hodge, P.E., and Macintosh, B.A.,"Speckle Decorrelation and Dynamic Range in Speckle Noise-Limited Imaging," The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 581, Issue 1, pp. L59-L62, 2002. J. Breckinridge and B.R. Oppenheimer, "Polarization Effects in Reflecting Coronagraphs for White Light Applications in Astronomy," The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 600, p. 1091, 2004. R. Soummer, "Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraphs for Arbitrary Telescope Apertures," The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 618, p. L161, 2004. C. Aime and R. Soummer, "The Usefulness and Limits of Coronagraphy in the Presence of Pinned Speckles," The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 612, p. L85, 2004. Makidon, R.B., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Roberts, L.C.,Jr., Oppenheimer, B.R., and Graham, J.R., "Waffle Mode Error in the AEOS Adaptive Optics Point-Spread Function," Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 117, p. 831, 2005. Lloyd, J.P., and Sivaramakrishnan, A., "Tip Tilt Error in Lyot Coronagraphy," The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 621, p. 1153, 2005. A. Sivaramakrishnan and J. Lloyd, "Spiders in Lyot Coronagraphs," The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 633, p. 528, 2005. A. Sivaramakrishnan and N. Yaitskova, "Lyot Coronagraphy on Giant Segmented-Mirror Telescopes," The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 626, p. 65, 2005. L. Roberts et al., "Adaptive Optics Astrometry and Photometry of Binary Stars," The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 130, pp. 2262-2271, 2005.
Conference ProceedingsThis list has not been updated since January 2004 B. R. Oppenheimer, M. Shara, L. Newburgh, D. Brenner, J. R. Graham, P. Kalas, J. P. Lloyd, R. B. Makidon, A. Sivaramakrishnan, J. R. Kuhn. "The Lyot Project: Toward Exoplanet Images and Spectra,'' Terrestrial Planet Finder Technical Conference and Exposition, C. Lindensmith, ed. (NASA/JPL Publications; March 2004). B. R. Oppenheimer, M. Shara, L. Newburgh, D. Brenner, J. R. Graham, P. Kalas, J. P. Lloyd, R. B. Makidon, A. Sivaramakrishnan, J. R. Kuhn, "The Lyot Project: Status and Deployment Plans,'' 2003 AMOS Technical Conference, P. W. Kervin, J. L. Africano, eds. (USAF Publications; March 2004) PDF File. Marshall D. Perrin, James R. Graham, Michael Trumpis, Jeff Kuhn, Kathryn Whitman, Roy Coulter, James P. Lloyd, Lewis C. Roberts, Jr., "First Light with the Kermit Infrared Camera,'' 2003 AMOS Technical Conference, P. W. Kervin, J. L. Africano, eds. (USAF Publications; March 2004) PDF File. Sivaramakrishnan, A., Hodge, P.E., Makidon, R.B., Perrin, M.D., Lloyd, J.P., Bloemhof, E.E., and Oppenheimer, B.R., "The Adaptive Optics Point-Spread Function at Moderate and High Strehl Ratios," Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 4860, pp. 161-170, 2003. Makidon, R.B., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Roberts, L.C.,Jr., Oppenheimer, B.R., and Graham, J.R., "Waffle Mode Error in the AEOS Adaptive Optics Point Spread Function," Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 4860, pp. 315-323, 2003. Lloyd, J.P., Gavel, D.T., Graham, J.R., Hodge, P.E., Sivaramakrishnan, A., and Voit, G.M.,"The Four-Quadrant Phase Mask Coronagraph: Analytical Results and Tip-Tilt Sensitivity," Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 4860, pp. 171-181, 2003. Oppenheimer, B.R., Shara, M., Graham, J.R., Kalas, P., Lloyd, J.P., Makidon, R.B., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Baudoz, P., Kuhn, J., Potter, D.,"Near Infrared Coronagraph Optimized for the AEOS Telescope," AMOS Technical Conference Proceedings, (191), 6, 2003. Makidon et al., "Waffle Mode Error in the AEOS Adaptive Optics Point Spread Function,'' AMOS Technical Conference Proceedings, (186), 571, 2002. Lloyd et al., "Astronomical Coronagraphy with High-Order Adaptive Optics Systems,'' Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 4490, pp. 290-297, 2001.